"Why" can go fuck itself!
Pathology? Not me? When I was younger I always thought there was something wrong with me. My reactions were not like others. But try to say “I’d like to be normal?” and you’ll find yourself in collision with the phrase “What is normal?”. An intellectual denial. If I knew what normal was I think I’d just pursue it. I’m sorry I don’t have the vocabulary to say “I’d like to have emotional regulation within the standards of society. Please sir may I have some more? Thank you, yes your lack of empathy and intentional obfuscation of my statement has be helpful. Why would anyone do that? Pathology? No, you’re smart. DO YOU HAVE A PERSONALITY DISORDER?! No of course not, that would be crazy and I’m not crazy. I’m smart. Still though why can’t I seem to cope? I’ve been told I’m smart from the very beginning. From a very young age. “You’re very smart kid Kevin. Why would you do that?”. Does intelligence correlate with mental well being? Maybe. Anxiety was certainly a problem as